The Environment and Climate Action Program (LIFE) is the financial instrument of the European Union dedicated to the environment for the period 2014-2020. Since 1992, LIFE has co-financed more than 4.500 projects. For the 2014-2020 financing period, LIFE will contribute approximately 3.4 billion euros to the protection of the environment and the climate. A total of 823 projects have been financed in Spain, in all periods, with a total investment of the European Union of € 663M.
LIFEPLASMIX’s main objective is to demonstrate how to recover & recycle PLASTIC MIX waste contained in MSW, avoiding its incineration & landfilling. Valorising PP, PS (GPPS+HIPS) & EPS (EPS+XPS) into high quality recycled pellets ready to be used in new products, including food packaging (one of the most strigent markets)
Demonstration will be done through innovative technologies in a preindustrial recycling plant located in Alhendín (Granada, Spain), that will produce 3.769 ton/year of recycled material LIFEPLASMIX implements the first preindustrial pilot demonstration of a new cost-effective recycling solution based on optical separation, washing & extrusion.
A solution that will lead to 90% PP, PS & EPS waste deposit reduction (MSW contains 2% of PLASTIC MIX). A waste fraction that is currently neither recovered and nor recycled.

Increase rates
To demonstrate that it is possible achieving 90% recovery rate of the PLASTIC MIX contained in MSW through innovative cost-effective technologies spanning the value chain of recycling.

Reduce waste
To reduce by 5.600 tons/year plastic waste landfilled & incinerated (13% of total plastic waste in MSW) by recovering & recycling PLASTIC MIX, in particular PP, PS & EPS, a waste fraction that is currently neither recovered and nor recycled.

Revalorize waste
To revalorize urban plastic mix waste, incorporating 80% of PP, PS & EPS recovered in new products, supporting the new plastic circular economy. (3.769 tons/year of recycled PP, PS & EPS).

Increase the quality
To increase the quality of recycled final materials, reaching levels of food packaging production. Demonstrating that recycling materials are no longer the “imperfect substitutes” of the Virgin Pellets (WRAP, 2007).

Reduce emissions
To reduce the plastic industry’s carbon footprint and CO2 emissions by 68.9% when comparing the use of recycled plastic to virgin materials. Reducing 1.0 tons of CO2, per ton of PP/PS used by the plastic industry.

Replicate the solution
To replicate and transfer the LIFEPLASMIX solution to other EU regions.

Active the dissemination
To foster the deployment of PLASTIC MIX recycling integrated solutions, at local and EU levels, through targeted dissemination actions.

Create jobs
To create full-time and part-time jobs during demonstration.

Improve sector's
To improve the waste treatment sector´s competitiveness with a solution that will make their activity more profitable.

Effectiveness and efficiency
To create a framework integrating all stakeholders so project results impact will be maximized.