Andaltec is a technological center with about 140 employees (PhDs, engineers, chemists & technicians) experts in material science, processes & products development, as well as, physicochemical & mechanical characterizations. The center works in close collaboration with the industry, especially with automotive and food packaging sectors offering technological services and support in R&D projects. A large part of Andaltec’s R&D activity is focused on the recycling and evaluation of post-comsumed plastics, in order to reduce the environmental problems associated to the plastic waste management.

Andaltec has large experience in the development of new products based on recycled polymers, with properties adapted to specific industrial sector, such as automotive, agriculture, etc. Andaltec has a fully equipped process laboratory, where new recycled materials can be developed, produced at laboratory scale, and processed by injection/extrusion process to obtain prototypes, which can be tested and validated in the laboratories.

The center has a wide experience participating in European projects like:

ID766437 (H2020-FOF-2017)- Electrical Steel Structuring, Insulating and Assembling by means of the Laser technologies (ESSIAL) – Total Budget: 5.003.100€.

ID4126 (M-ERANET-2016) – Active Graphene based Food Packaging Systems for a Modern Society (GRAFOOD) – Total Budget: 762.634 €.

ID309993 (FP7-NMP-2012-SMALL-6) – Development of a Direct Laser Joining of hybrid Plastic-Metal components for industrial applications (PMJOIN) – Total Budget: 3.881.927€.

ID296014 (FP7-ENERGY-2011-2) – Novel CPV system fit for mass production, for electricity costs beyond grid parity and for applications in B2B, industrial and residential areas (CPV4ALL) – Total Budget: 12.606.895,60€.

ID: 289829 (FP7-KBBE-2011-5) – Smart and Sustainable Food Packaging Utilizing Flexible Printed Intelligence and Materials Technologies (SusFoflex) – Total Budget: 3.946.639,25 €.